

Eyes and Fibromyalgia

 As I write this about the eyes and if fibromyalgia affects them I have noticeably dry eyes. It will probably take me a few sittings to finish this article due to my own eye symptoms which also include blurry eyes. I always need the font to be larger and I hope this helps you too.

Eye symptoms and Fibromyalgia

Of course there are many reasons for eye symptoms such as dryness which include Sjogren's syndrome and some medications. 

I wanted to write this article as people often do not think that their eye concerns could be related to them having fibromyalgia. So here I will include all the research I have found about fibro and the eyes specifically from studies that have been done and also some suggestions for coping with these eye conditions.

Dry Eye Syndrome Risks in Patients With Fibromyalgia: A National Retrospective Cohort Study 2016. In this large Taiwanese study they found that the risk of Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) in Fibromyalgia (FM) patients was significant and that the risk was greater among men than woman, which was consistence with the findings of a previous study. They also found that FM patients were getting DES at an earlier age than the people without FM. 

  •  The overall incidence rate of DES was 7.37/10,000 in the FM population, and 4.81/10,000 in the control group. 
  • The age-specific incidence rate was highest among those 50 to 64 years in the FM population. 
  • The incidence rate was highest among those aged 65 years and older in the control group.

Discordant Dry Eye Disease (An American Ophthalmological Society Thesis) Discordant, in this context, means having dry eye symptoms but a normal eye examination. 

In addition to having widespread pain and other somatic symptoms, individuals with FM and other centralized pain conditions have significant ocular symptoms, often in the absence of clinical signs of ocular surface dryness. Recent studies that examined this phenomenon found that patients with FM have more dry eye symptoms than healthy controls. Interestingly, these individuals were found to have reduced corneal sensitivity as compared to controls, so we measured both corneal and systemic sensitivity in this study. The results of this in depth study showed that people with discordant dry eye had substantial similarities to patients with FM.  There was a lack of ocular surface changes on examination in some who complain of dry eyes, as Central Nervous System processes are responsible for much of the discordance between the severity of symptoms and the degree of ocular surface damage. 

Fibromyalgia syndrome and the eye - A review states that:
Fibromyalgia can be associated with ocular symptoms (foreign body sensation, irritation) and visual disturbances (blurred vision), coexisting with dry eye syndrome and reduced corneal sensitivity.

It also says that research shows that there are changes that can be seen in the eyes of people with FM which include the choroid being significantly thinner. The choroid is part of the vascular layer of the eye, and contains connective tissues, and lies between the retina and the sclera

What other eye symptoms may be seen in Fibromyalgia?

"Patients can commonly experience symptoms of eye pain, sensitivity to light, blurred vision and fluctuating visual clarity, difficulty focusing, visual overload and dry eyes," Dr Mark Pellegrino explains. 

Experiencing eye issues can be very disconcerting especially after having eye tests and being told nothing is wrong at all. Following are some strategies for treating eye issues.

Dry eyes ~ For relief from dry eyes, try:

  • artificial tears which you can purchase over the counter (Try preservative free ones
  • wear glasses instead of contact lenses which dry the eye surface
  • punctal plugs 
  • assess medications that you are taking with your doctor to see if any are causing dry eyes
  • use humidifiers for extra moisture in the air
  • blinking more frequently
  • dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids such as flaxseeds
  • read more information about dry eyes
Blurred vision
  • check your glasses prescription more frequently 
  • look to the long distance more frequently to rest your eyes
  • when reading you may find a different font size that suits you better eg some prefer to read large font books available from libraries 
  • Try audible books available from libraries and online
Eye pain 
  • have your neck and spine assesed as tension and problems in these may cause referred eye pain and headaches
Light Sensitivity
  • wear sunglasses and a hat when outside 
  • wear sunglasses if driving
  • reduce night driving
  • do not watch screen shows with flashing lights
  • be aware of what lighting suits you
  • have block out blinds or block out curtains in the bedroom
  • investigate coloured lenses in prescrition glasses. Some people find that adding a coloured lens helps eye strain. An eye specialist will help you decide which ones help your vision
Of course in general, all fibromyalgia symptoms may be reduced by finding the right level and kind of exercise for you, finding ways to improve your sleep and finding an activity that helps you calm your nervous system by reducing stress. 
For myself my refered exercise is hydro therapy and I have written about it here. I force myself to go to bed at the same time each night and find that I sleebetter on the nights I have exercised. I take melatonin ten mg at night and also magnesium. A hot shower before bed often is also very soothing. Breathing exercises are my go to for reducing stress. 

I hope this helps you with understanding a bit more about fibromyalgia symptoms and especially that fibromyalgia can affect the eyes. 

Do you have any suggestions for reducing eye concerns in FibromyalgiaPlease leave your suggestion in the comments below. 

Fibromyalgia and eye symptoms

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